In the link list on the right, I have included several opportunities for funded teacher travel. Here are some that I have personally participated in and are WONDERFUL!

Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms- I participated in the Fulbright TGC program throughout 2018-2019 school year. TGC is a year-long professional development opportunity for K-12 teachers in the U.S. to develop skills to prepare students for a competitive global economy. During the program, I learned how to bring an international perspective to my school through targeted training with an intense online course, experience abroad in Colombia, and global collaboration with host teachers around the world.

Community Resources
Global Ties Alabama- Through this organization, I have made friendships with people all over the world. This mission of GTA is to promote international relationships through citizen diplomacy and enrich Alabama's education, commerce, and global awareness. The mission is supported by its core values of respect, friendships, collaboration, lifelong learning, multicultural diversity, and globalization.
Alabama Association of International Educators- Learn more about teaching with an international perspective in Alabama and about teaching internationally at the annual AAIE conference in the spring.
Teaching Traveling- One of my favorite resources for Global Education is Teaching Traveling. Here, educators from around the world share lessons and resources for adding a global element into your classroom lessons. Through great stories and images, this site inspires me to take every lesson I teach and work to add a "global twist."
Globalized Standards
K-12 Global Competence Grade-Level Indicators- Global Competence Outcomes are divided by Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge of global learning. This resource breaks standards down by grade level and explains how to integrate the learning spirals into lessons.
- Understanding- demonstrate an understanding of global concepts.
- Investigating- conduct research from primary and secondary sources to investigate global concepts.
- Connecting- work effectively and respectfully with diverse peers, assuming responsibility for collaborative work while valuing individual contributions; demonstrate relationships between global concepts, leading to understanding about the complexities of each.
- Integrating- synthesize information from multiple sources to present to diverse audiences on global concepts
Globalized Unit Plan
Does it feel overwhelming to think about creating entire units about global education? Just do what I did- take it one lesson at a time. I encourage you to start small. Take lessons that you already teach and find a global connection. I was surprised how easy it was to incorporate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into my science and math lessons. Teach SDGs is a great website for teacher resources and global collaboration.
Summary of Unit Plan: Using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a foundation, students will learn about sustainable, purposeful, and inclusive architecture. Each student will use the Engineering Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, and Improve) to design his/her dream school. The lessons in this unit incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). Students will have freedom when creating their school designs, but must include sustainable building materials, alternative energy sources for power, and a design that welcomes diverse groups of students.
Technology Tools for Global Education from the Asia Society
Click HERE to find resources to connect with educators abroad, find more professional development for teachers, hot topics in global media, extending learning and after school resources, making global and local connections, finding international guest speakers, locate resources for global student research, and learn about curriculum technology tools.
Buncee: Create and share projects or participate in the global pen pal program.
Geo Badges: Aims to improve the geographic literacy and have fun!
Kahoot!: Create, share, and play learning games and take learning quizzes.
Padlet: Virtual corkboard for sharing projects and sticky note communications.
Voxer: Share, plan, and discuss global projects.
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